10 Vegan Freezer Meals You Can Make Ahead of Time

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If you’re constantly running to and fro for meetings, work, and the demands of everyday life, it can be tough to remember one of the most important things – eating!

Getting three high-quality meals a day leaves you feeling nourished, happy, and ready to take on everything the day holds. However, it can sometimes be tough to find time to prepare all of those meals every day. That’s why we’re big fans of making batches of food, freezing individual meals, and reheating a serving when you’re short on time. That way, you’ve got delicious, healthy food on demand!

If you follow a plant-based eating plan, these ten freezer-ready meals can be game-changers. Living a busy life doesn’t mean you can’t eat plenty of nutritious vegan food on the daily – and these meals are the proof.

Let’s get cooking! 

1. Pistachio and Olive Pasta

Pasta is absolutely delicious, but it’s often served with lots of meat and dairy. For plant-based eaters, those foods are big no-nos. Fortunately, this yummy recipe for pistachio and olive pasta is 100% vegan! 

Making this delicious pasta is super simple. The pistachios up the protein content, all the while adding a delicious crunch to the dish.

This recipe can keep in the freezer for long periods of time, then be heated up whenever you need it! Just make sure to mark your freezer container with the date the meal was cooked. That way, it won’t stay frozen for too long!

Pasta can typically keep in the freezer for around three months. If you’re concerned about freshness, try to finish off this delicious dish in a few weeks or less.

2. Vegan Pancakes

These scrumptious pancakes are made without any animal-derived ingredients, and we think they taste out of this world! While pancakes are typically made with eggs, this recipe is egg-free, instead calling for a bit of non-dairy milk. 

Pancakes can be stored in the freezer for a long time, and they’re super easy to heat up and eat for breakfast. However, you don’t have to stick to the AM when eating pancakes – they’re perfect when you want breakfast for dinner! 

We recommend topping off these delicious vegan pancakes with a little bit of fresh fruit. Combined with some maple syrup, fruits like berries, bananas, peaches, and dates can all pair perfectly with plant-based pancakes. Keep the fruit fresh, but freeze the pancakes whenever necessary. If you’re feeling decadent, you can even add some whipped cream!

3. Spicy Vegan Zucchini

A creative dish that features a delicious spicy sauce, this recipe is tart, savory, and colorful all at once. 

To add to the aesthetic appeal of this dish, as well as to help the zucchini absorb the flavors of the other ingredients, you’ll be using a technique known as scoring. Scoring involves taking a knife and cutting a crisscross pattern across the surface of a food to help it cook more thoroughly and make it more receptive to spices and sauces.

Along with scoring, you’ll make your zucchini shine with the help of a simple, spicy sauce with hints of maple and chili. While these ingredients might sound like an unlikely combo, they taste amazing together!

4. Veggie Wok With Meatless Chick’n Strips

This meal takes just three minutes to prepare and seven minutes to cook. That’s a ten-minute journey from fridge to plate! Plus, it’s completely freezer-ready afterwards, so feel free to make plenty!

In addition to being super quick to prepare and cook, this meal is also low on ingredients, but packs in big flavors. 

Our mouth-watering chick’n and broccoli is low in calories, high in protein, and the perfect mix of savory and zesty. We’re big fans!

5. Sauteed Rice With Turmeric and Cashews

Another yummy plant-based meal that’s low on the cook time, this recipe features just a few ingredients, and the majority of them are delicious spices. 

In the culinary world, it’s well-known that rice is what you make of it. It can be bland and boring when prepared improperly, but it can taste out of this world when paired with the right spices, toppings, and other ingredients! We think this recipe does rice justice. Plus, it tastes great heated up out of the freezer!

6. Smoked Tofu and Pan-Fried Green Beans

Want some extra protein on your plate tonight? You can’t go wrong with tofu!

This soy-based meat substitute has a reputation for being a bit...blah. However, while some people assume that tofu is bland due to its appearance and texture, it’s anything but when you cook it well!

By adding some soy sauce and smoking the tofu in oil, it takes on an irresistible flavor and texture. Paired with some fresh green beans fried up in a pan, and you’ve got the perfect meal. Packed with plant-based protein and nutrients, this recipe is the definition of simple. If you’ve got leftovers, stick them in the freezer and enjoy them another day!

7. Caponata

Caponata takes less than an hour to prepare and cook – and you’ll be amazed by the results! With the help of brazil and red wine vinegar, the chopped eggplant and minced onions take on a savory, acidic flavor that is sure to get you kudos from your foodie friends! 

In addition, this recipe makes use of an often slept-on ingredient – capers! Capers are tiny flower buds that grow on a bush native to Italy, Morocco, and a few other parts of the world. After being pickled and salted, they taste similar to olives. They’re staples in Italian food thanks to their unique ability to add a burst of flavor to just about any savory dish.

8. Crispy Tofu With Broccoli

Another tofu-based recipe with a short prep time, the highlight of this dish is its delicious peanut sauce. 

With just a few ingredients, you’ll get a hefty serving of protein and some healthy fats to boot. Chances are, you’ve already got quite a few of those ingredients in your pantry at home!

Tiny bits of chopped tofu add extra flavor and protein to this yummy dish, and the peanut butter and soy sauce mix make every bit taste incredible. By topping each plate with peanuts, you’ll give the meal a satisfying crunch that anyone you serve is sure to love!

9. Vegetable Coconut Curry

This completely vegan curry is the perfect meal to store in the freezer and enjoy for weeks.

It’ll take you just over a half-hour to make this recipe, and its sweet and savory flavor will blow your mind!

Curry can last for around three months in the freezer, but this delicious dish is sure to be completely eaten up by then! It’s an ideal meal to keep on standby during the fall and winter months. Warm and comforting, it’ll keep you feeling full and happy during the coldest parts of the year!

10. Coconut Butternut Soup

Another perfect winter recipe, this soup has an incredibly short prep time and cook time, and it can keep for months in the freezer!

With a short ingredient list, this is the perfect starter soup for someone who’s just getting used to the kitchen. If you’ve never tried butternut squash soup before, you’re in for a treat. The addition of coconut milk to the recipe gives this soup a distinct richness and creaminess, all the while keeping the dish 100% plant-based!

Want More Vegan Cooking Inspiration? We Got You.

If you’re looking for creative plant-based meals to add to your weekly rotation, JOW has you covered. Head over to our recipe page for detailed ingredient lists, straightforward prep and cooking instructions, and more. If you’re super busy, we can even handle ordering the groceries for you! 

Bon appetit!