Jow's 2023 Last-Minute Thanksgiving Guide


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If you're a busy person who just can't bother to plan until the last minute, or perhaps the pressure to entertain and perform leads you to feel overwhelmed, worry not! Jow's here to help Thanksgiving be a extremely memorable—in a good way. : - )

1. Embrace shortcut ingredients and store-bought items.

It's okay to get boxed stuffing, canned pie filling, or whatever last thing you really don't have the time for. If you're not invested in making your meal homemade, any of these store products are great to save you time in the process of cooking Thanksgiving. They include but are not limited to the following:

2. Plan once, shop once. No, really.

If you don't list every dish you plan to serve and their ingredients, it can get dicey at the last minute. Many stores run out of butter or cream around this time of year, so be careful! Plus, it's going to be busy, so you probably don't want to put yourself in that situation more than you need to be.

3. It's okay to wait to shop.

Whether it's on Wednesday evening or even Thanksgiving morning, if you're planned and prepared, you can save money by shopping around this time. Just make sure to pack your elbow pads at the grocery store and keep your head on straight.

4. Plan your oven space according to times and temperatures.

If you're making stuffing, a pie, and a roast chicken, you'll be fighting for real estate in your hot-box. We recommend a storebought dessert for this reason, as it guarantees the important stuff will be served hot at the right time.

5. It's okay to cut something if it's not a good fit.

Whether it's a traditional green bean casserole or that one extra thing you thought might be nice (maple brussels sprouts), if it's not a fit, it's not a fit. Don't drive yourself crazy—just go for what you know you can accomplish in your short timeframe. Traditional and elaborate dishes are nice, but don't choose them at the expense of your enjoyment of the holiday!

6. Use Jow.

Jow can do the heavy lifting for you, whether it's meal prep, a birthday party, or your next holiday. After you pick your favorite recipes from our selection, we automatically select store products that fit those recipes and your budget. You can pick up at your local retailer! With so much mental energy saved in the planning process, all that's left is to get cooking!

Check out these easy-peasy Thanksgiving recipes from our food team!

For more Thanksgiving tips, including how to save money on your Thanksgiving turkey this year, click here.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!